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Release Process

This is a brief guide on how to release a new version of the plugin.

  1. Update changelog with release version + date.
  2. If minor or major release, cut a new version of the docs with npm run bump-version -- ${VERSION} in the docs directory.
  3. Update the versions in:
    1. manifest.json
    2. package.json
    3. versions.json
  4. Open a PR + merge
  5. Tag the release with git tag -a ${VERSION} and push the tag with git push origin ${VERSION}
  6. Wait for the release build to complete.
  7. Update the generated release with the changelog and publish.
  8. Test the update in Obsidian.

Note that between steps 4 and 6, there is a period of time where the plugin's manifest.json specified version does not have a release associated with it. This only lasts a minute or two, so the impact should be minimal.