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Version: 2.0.0



This plugin is built using Typescript and React. You will need the following tools installed to build and run the plugin:

Alternatively, if you use Nix, there is a flake and a .envrc to load the development environment for you. Simply run direnv allow to load the environment.


The plugin source is contained entirely within the plugin directory. To build the plugin:

  1. Run cd plugin
  2. Run npm install to pull down the required dependencies
  3. Run npm run dev to build the plugin.

By default, this will build the plugin into plugin/dist/. You can manually copy the files an Obsidian vault for testing. For a smoother iteration cycle, you can tell the build process where it should place the output. The build process looks for the VITE_OBSIDIAN_VAULT environment variable to find a target vault.

A simple way to configure this once is:

  1. Create a file at plugin/.env.local. This file is automatically loaded by the build script.

  2. Add a line to this file setting the environment variable. For example:

    export VITE_OBSIDIAN_VAULT=/Users/jamiebrynes/Documents/my-vault

Running tests

Its generally a good idea to write tests to ensure that the plugin's functionality is correct. The test suite is, at the time of writing, limited - but it can be useful for developing functionality against a set of tests. To run all tests, from the plugin directory:

npm run test

Alternatively, to run a subset of tests, you can pass in a path to filter the tests ran:

npm run test ./src/utils


This plugin uses BiomeJS to format and lint our Typescript. This ensures a consistent code style across the plugin. To check the formatting, from the plugin directory, run:

npm run lint:check

Biome can also format code to fix most issues. Note this will modify files on disk:

npm run lint:fix